Puhinui Station Interchange



Auckland Transport is upgrading Puhinui Station to become a major bus and train interchange, with a 10 minute bus service to the airport. The new station will improve travel to and from the airport, and its surrounding areas by providing more reliable and timely travel choices - as well as connecting people to wider Auckland through southern and eastern line train services. The interchange will build on the existing train station, linking the rail platform with a new bus and 'kiss and ride' area via a new elevated concourse.


  • Frequent bus and rail connections to make easy journeys to the airport, city centre and other areas.

  • Improved safety with new lighting, HOP ticket gateline, CCTV systems.

  • Increased shelter for passengers moving between bus and train services, and improved facilities and access for cyclists and pedestrians.

Project Type

Major Infrastructure


McConnell Dowell


NCI - Northern Corridor Improvements


Old Mangere Bridge