NCI - Northern Corridor Improvements



This project will provide better links for Northern Motorway (SH1) travellers in Auckland and improve transport options on the North Shore for freight, cars, pedestrians and cyclists. It includes a new motorway connection between SH1 and SH18, opening up access to the Western Ring Route and airport.


  • Provide a new, continuous motorway route from the North Shore to and from the Western Ring Route and beyond, as an alternative to travelling on SH1 through the central city

  • Separate local traffic and high speed motorway-through traffic along Upper Harbour Highway (SH18), easing congestion; creating better links; reducing harm to local communities; and supporting future freight and economic growth

  • Improve access in and out and around Albany

  • Create new reliable, safe services for bus users, walkers and cyclists

  • Widen SH1 in both directions for those travellers who stay on SH1 through the central city


Project Type

Major Infrastructure


Northern Corridor Improvements


Dome Valley Safety Improvements


Puhinui Station Interchange