Aerial Surveys

Aerial Surveying Services

Our team at Survey Worx were an early adopter of drone technology and been flying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) since 2015. Using our wide range of UAVs, we provide a high-quality, cost effective solution to a wide range of New Zealand projects. We continuously invest in the latest hardware and processing systems, setting us apart as leaders in the industry.

Our specialised pilots integrate aerial surveys with conventional survey methods to provide a variety of solutions in different industries. Our pilots are nationally accredited and work with local aerodromes to obtain permits to fly UAVs. Our UAV surveyors use ground control, double batteries and live image registration to ensure all features are captured, during the initial visit.

Our drones provide state-of-the art imagery and use leading software to deliver a tailored solution for your project. We’ll advise the best approach to ensure budgets are met, while quality and accuracy is maximised.

Use Aerial Surveys to:

  • Capture vast amounts of data over large areas in a short period of time. Whether your project is a few hectares ore hundreds of square kilometres, our variety of survey grade drones are the tool for the job.

  • Capture surfaces and provide volume calculations.

  • Safely track the progress of your project.

  • Visual inspections.

  • Capture accurate data at hard to reach locations.

The benefits of Aerial Surveys:

  • A cost-effective option to capture data

  • Efficient and safe method of capturing survey data

  • No interference with site operations, meaning no less project coordination