High-Rise Buildings

High Rise Building

Our team at Survey Worx have completed over 100 high-rise projects in New Zealand. Our high-rise surveyors are qualified and trained to use the latest technology and provide a custom solution to each tower. Whether it be providing a 3D asbuilt of the jump form to monitoring the movement 60 storys above ground, our high-rise specialists ensure the accuracy and precision without causing delays to project team.

The verticality of a building is crucial to any high-rise construction team and we use several methods to ensure tolerances are met. Our surveyors are practiced in traditional plumbing techniques, to constraining a resections and control networks, to the modern methods of live GNSS (GPS) positioning.

Benefits of using Survey Worx include:

Slip-form and jump-form assistance

Verticality management

Quick turnaround on floor and core asbuilts

Improved safety through precision monitoring of structure movement

Façade positioning

We work with concrete sub-contractors and other suppliers

Assist the refurbishment of existing buildings